Best quality hot tub repair service in Colorado

Do you need to fix your hot tub ?? Here are several advices about how to maintain your hot tub and also a suggestion if you live in Colorado. But first let’s view the hot tub choice of the month : HotSpring has 20 hot tub models, five of which are built for two or three people. Most of the hot tub manufacturers we evaluated have only three models, so HotSpring offers a better selection of small spas. Three of these spas are part of the brand’s Hot Spot collection, which fall into the value price range and have 10-17 jets. The other two are premium-priced spas from HotSpring’s top tier Highlife collection and have 14 or 22 jets. HotSpring also has 10 medium spas and five large spas with various price ranges, all of which come equipped with energy-saving features and are certified by the California Energy Commission. With five small hot tub models, Hot Spring has the best selection of two- and three-person hot tubs of the brands we reviewed.

Sometimes people lower the water temperature set point dramatically, usually to cool the water in the summer. The next thing they know, they are struggling to maintain water purity, and they think something is wrong because their spa no longer filters.

The only weekly hot tub maintenance chore is “shocking” the water with sanitizer. Whether you use chlorine or bromine, hitting your tub with an extra strong dose of the sanitizer once a week is an easy way to keep your water clear and crystal clean. Besides shocking your tub, other weekly maintenance rituals are specific to your water type and how often you use your spa. Foaming can be a problem if you use your spa regularly, and can be easily solved by pouring a small amount of foam reducer into the water once a week. And if you live in an area with high calcium or mineral content, you might want to hit your water with a de-scaling agent once a week as well. It will prevent mineral buildup in your pumps, hoses, and on the walls of the hot tub itself.

Surge protection- to ensure that your hot tub is not damaged by major storms or residential power surges. Temp Heating solutions- in the event of a heating failure freezing temperatures can destroy the entire plumbing system. We offer external temporary heat to ensure further damage is not done. Don’t do it in a hot tub : It starts out innocently enough: a little flirting, teasing, and water play. Everyone becomes a kid again in the water, and casual horseplay can quickly get out of hand, with someone getting hurt. In the limited space of a hot tub, there’s no place to contain the action. Yes, it may be fun, but someone can slip easily, hit his or her head, twist an ankle, etc. Just, don’t. Don’t jump or dive into a spool, spa, or hot tub. Climb in carefully; do not allow anyone to run or play while in or near the spa.

When hot tub DIY meets TLC, the result is much more than an improperly formatted Roman numeral. You can vacuum grit, gunk, and small debris from your spa with ease once you’ve put together this simple siphon vacuum. One of the most overlooked areas of proper hot tub care is treating your hot tub cover right. Exposed as they are to constant heat and moisture, hot tub covers can develop a musty or mildewy smell if they’re not cleaned properly. You can keep the funk away by using a simple bleach solution to clean your hot tub cover. In a spray bottle, combine nine parts water to one part bleach, and use it to clean the underside of your hot tub cover every 90 days. Discover extra info at Hot tub repair service Colorado.

Tips for purchasing a hot tub : Plan on inviting guests or relatives over? Make room for a larger tub with more seats. You won’t want to take turns in your new hot tub. Will you be using the hot tub alone or with just two people at a time? If space is limited, a 2-3 person spa will be perfect. With a little more room, an extra seat or two is nice for stretching out.

One of the most important things you can do to increase the longevity of your spa cover is to remove it at least twice per week. Use a spa cover lifter to completely remove it, or if you don’t have a spa cover lift, gently place it off the spa. Give your cover a few hours to breathe and shake off some of the constant heat and moisture. This is also a good time to add chemicals or shock the spa if you aren’t using it at the time.