Free comment widget for WordPress

JointComments is a Disqus comment like system, a free comment software for WordPress and other CMS. Adding a comment solution to your website has a lot benefits, and we will discuss about them in this post.

One of the biggest drawbacks of comments is spam. You can usually recognize it by the strange “from” names. These will often have odd, nonsensical phrases in the comment box. You will almost always get spam from bots, no matter how big or small your blog is. But spammers are fairly noticeable. The good news is that these comments are relatively easy to moderate. If you have a WordPress blog, for example, you can set your discussion comments to filter out spam bots. Human spammers, on the other hand, are a little harder to suss out. They tend to have normal names and may even be legitimate followers of your blog. But instead of responding to questions or the topic of the post, they’re only really interested in posting links back to their own site. They’re the “check-me-outs” of the commenter world.

Are you thinking about disabling comments on your blog? Moderating blog comments can be time-consuming, and you may wonder whether it’s really worth your effort. In this post, we’ll share what the data shows about allowing blog comments or not. You may have heard about some popular publishers who have disabled their blog comments due to a high volume of spammy and low-quality comments, and you’re wondering whether you should too. In 2014, Copyblogger announced that they were removing comments… but then brought comments back in 2016.

Blogging evolved as a platform for people to express what they have to say. And as any conversation goes, blogging is almost always two-sided. Most of the popular blogs have comments enabled, and they use various platforms to deal with managing them. Even Seth Godin, the master marketer who does not allow comments on his popular blog, says comments are terrific. Comments often help blogs build a community. So when you are considering what to do about this crucial topic, you ought to pay some attention to what I have to say.

Embeddable Comment Widget: Get more engagement with our easy to use commenting system. The setup takes just a few clicks. How It Works? 1. Fill our simple registration form to access the dashboard. 2. Copy & Paste the widget code into your website. 3. Engage with your community & moderate comments. 4. Earn JOINT tokens based on your traffic & engagement. JOINT Token Rewards: JOINT is a tradable cryptocurrency which works on Ethereum blockchain. JOINT also the fuel of Joint Comments platform. – Acquire traffic from other publishers – Reward your team members & writers – Hold it to get future profit from Joint Comments. Read more details at