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For example, if a wizard fails to recall knowledge that should be obvious to them, players can cause hilarity by describing their dumbfounded expression or frantic sputtering. If a barbarian charges into the fray only to get knocked out, the cleric might have a chance to show off their new healing spell – and express their character’s exasperation. Roleplaying critical fails and working together to overcome them is part of the fun. This is a little different for every group of gamers, as some adhere to the rules more strictly than others. But for more casual campaigns, like ones that first-timers usually join, rules are a little more flexible. Among groups of friends, enjoying the journey is often more important than the letter of D&D law.

This is a simple one. You as the GM of the game do not have to be completely in charge of everything that happens in the world. RPGs are, for the most part, designed to be played as a group. And sometimes the rest of that group should be given the reins from time to time. One of your strongest tools in the RPG toolbox is literally just asking your players questions. What do you find? How do they respond? What does it feel like? They can be little flourishes of player control or massive plot-defining moments handed over with love and trust to the player who it means the most to. This isn’t unprecedented, by the way. You’ll often see things like this in modern RPGs. In Blades in the Dark, your players create the quests and some of the NPCs – they invent the magical items, choose their adversaries and define the stakes at hand. It’s a pretty common thing for D&D dungeon masters to ask the player to describe what happens when they critically hit an enemy, giving them a cool flourish after a big chunk of damage.

Aside from being a fun personality to play, she often reminds me as a person that it’s okay to rely on others a little bit too. You may find playing as a dimwitted character that you often have brilliant and creative ideas. Maybe playing an irritable character can release some stress for you. Don’t discount the flaws that make your character infinitely more interesting. Metagaming is when your characters’ actions are directly influenced by the players deeper knowledge of the game. Basically, it’s your character acting as though they have knowledge that only the player does. For instance, two characters are having a private conversation away from the party but the conversation is said at the group table.

Taking on the mantle of dungeon master can be highly intimidating for D&D beginners and first-time roleplayers. Creating a world, filling it with interesting characters and providing an engaging story for your players that reacts to their decisions – not to mention remembering the various rules required – is a lot to take on if you’re new to the hobby. But learning to DM, GM or whatever two-letter acronym your tabletop RPG of choice throws at you doesn’t need to be quite so daunting. There are some top DM tips that can make your life easier, as well as ultimately providing a better experience for both you and your players, letting you tell the stories you want to.

The vast popularity of Dungeons & Dragons shows no sign of abating anytime soon. With new sourcebooks for 5th Edition still releasing regularly, and new players constantly picking them up, the fanbase only continues to expand. Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon for a new gamer, eager for an epic fantasy adventure to sit down at a D&D table, only to wind up confused, frustrated, and discouraged by a game they had hoped to enjoy. Read more information on