Colorado Springs best piercing studio

Tattoos safety advices? Danielle points out “You’ve got to take into consideration things like which side you mostly sleep on, sleeping on a fresh piercing will obviously hinder the healing process. Therefore, if you plan on having a couple of piercings done in one sitting, we recommend you work on one side first and give it the appropriate time to fully heal before adding to the other ear. This relates to everything on the ear other than lobe piercings, as they tend to heal a little quicker than other areas.”

As a preventative measure, ask your piercer to use a needle, not a “gun. “The ‘gun’ forces the earring through with pressure, so it causes a lot of unnecessary damage to the tissue. It’s also hard to manage the sterilization of a tool with plastic parts,” Smith says, “With a needle, we have more control of accuracy, and it’s totally sterile. It works like a scalpel, making a small incision into the tissue, leaving minimal damage to the area. It’s also a myth that the gun hurts less—if a needle piercing is done properly, the pain is very minor.”

Things to know before you learn how to tattoo: What you have to realize is that there are risks when it comes to tattooing. All the equipment has to be sterilized, and there is much more to it that just “knowing the right machine speed.: If, for example you go in too deep, the person you are tattooing will end up feeling a lot of pain, and you may even scar them. Sure, you have to go through a lot of trial and error in order to figure out the right approach. So hopefully you’re practicing on fake skin before starting on a live person. Having a steady hand is mandatory here, and the more you practice, the better you will get at this. You don’t need to worry too much, as long as you have a good focus and a steady hand, the results can be very well worth it!

You may sometimes hear the machine used for tattooing referred to as a “gun,” but most professionals cannot stand this term. You will make yourself look a lot better if you remember to call it a “tattoo machine.” That machine itself is made up of many, many parts, although the one that is most often though about is the part that you actually hold in your hand. This is held almost like a pencil and contains the needles and ink that actually penetrate the skin. The needles are controlled by a foot pedal. When you push the pedal, electricity flows through the machine. This, in turn, activates a magnet at the end of the needle bar, causing it to be attracted upward. When the bar is pulled up, it retracts the needles at the bottom, removing them from the skin. As soon as the needle bar reaches the top, however, the magnet releases, driving the needle bar and needles downward again and into the skin, along with the ink. This up-and-down motion is repeated dozens of times per minute and is what causes the buzzing sound you hear in a tattoo shop.

Our equipment is sterilized and the shop is clean and well maintained. This is why you can be sure that the services we offer are safe and hygienic. After your piercing or tattoo, we will show you proper piercing aftercare. We’ll make sure you know how to keep your new piercing clean and protected from any potential infections. Call to make an appointment or visit Living Art Tattoo in Colorado Springs, CO today. See more info on Tattoo shop in Colorado Springs.