How to get a very good GMAT score

Let’s talk about huge gmat score and, as a result, we will give a few tips about all GMAT topics, focusing on advices about how to learn for your exams. A great place to start is the free GMATPrep software. The software is official, costs nothing, and features two real full-length GMAT practice tests. If you haven’t already, download the GMATPrep software and take one of these two tests. Jot some notes down afterward—not just about how it went, but how you felt throughout the process. Could you have sat up a bit straighter? Did you need to blink and look away several times? The more you practice on a computer, the better you’ll be able to assess your stamina. If you can’t find the answer explanation for a problem that challenged you, you should google it. If you guessed, or even if you solved the problem correctly but the process took you longer than one and a half minutes, you should still google it.

Scoring lower than the school’s range does not necessarily mean an automatic rejection, but higher scores can only help your chances. Together with your previous GPA and academic record, the GMAT gives admissions committees an idea of the rigor you could withstand. Of course, it’s only one part of the application. Admissions staff members remind applicants that they look at the whole of the candidate’s application and never make a decision based on one metric. Still, increasing that score is a priority. We get it. So, we asked GMAT experts to offer their best tips for test takers.

Don’t get us wrong: the GRE isn’t that much fun, either. The GRE is a little bit longer than the GMAT, and it contains some pretty annoying vocabulary questions. But the good news is that the GRE doesn’t have any grammar-based questions, and the GRE quant section doesn’t require the same depth of reasoning as the GMAT. And as we discussed in a series of blog posts comparing the GRE and the GMAT, the GRE allows you to change your answers within each section… which means that the psychological and strategic challenges aren’t as fierce on the GRE as on the GMAT. Even though the GRE offers a more pleasant test-day experience than the GMAT, you’ll still need to take an organized, disciplined approach to the test. The GRE is an adaptive test — albeit in a slightly different way than the GMAT — which means that careless errors can cause disproportionate damage to your score. It’s important to learn to manage your time wisely, and it’s crucial that you avoid unforced errors, just like on the GMAT. Read more info on GRE Tutor Rates.

Read Carefully…Or Else The GMAT is constructed with incorrect answer choices that the test writers think you might like. If it’s a mistake a person might easily make on a problem, it’s probably an answer choice. If a question seems easy to you, STOP and reread the question. Make sure you haven’t fallen into a trap. Answer All the Questions—Even If You Have to Guess: Because there is a penalty for unanswered questions at the end of the GMAT, it makes sense to guess on any remaining questions rather than to leave them blank. If time is running out, you will almost certainly get a higher score by clicking through and answering any remaining questions at random. This is because the penalty for getting a question wrong diminishes sharply toward the end of each adaptive section (when the computer has already largely decided your score).

When to repeat a lesson already learned: an information that you repeat every day, it becomes a memorized or learned information, which is not recommended at all. Try to learn logically, not mechanically, and repeat old information only when you realize that you are beginning to forget it. Make logical connections between lessons and personal life: the school syllabus is very busy, so it is almost impossible to learn all the notions unless you make certain logical connections between them. It can help you when you can’t remember a name, make a connection with elements of your personal life that remind you of it. Source: