Top 3 skin problem causes

Acne problems are becoming more usual this days, affecting a big percentage of adults. There are many of causes acne, we will talk about them and also discuss about some cures to this problems. The major cause for acne issues is the poor diet. People eat to much garbage this days. But not only! Let’s see what are some major causes for skin problems.

There’s nothing more disappointing than waiting until your 20s to finally have clear skin, and then learning the hard way that bad breakouts don’t necessarily end when your teenage years do. Coming to terms with adult acne is difficult—best rest assured, you’re not the only grown woman dealing with zits.

Acne isn’t caused by dirty skin. In fact, scrubbing the skin too hard or cleansing with harsh soaps or chemicals irritates the skin and can make acne worse. Cosmetics don’t necessarily worsen acne, especially if you use oil-free makeup that doesn’t clog pores (noncomedogenics) and remove makeup regularly. Nonoily cosmetics don’t interfere with the effectiveness of acne drugs.

“Air pollution just puts this layer of crap on your face,” Dr. Schultz says. Especially if you live in a city. Go walk around outside for a half hour, he suggests. When you come home, wipe your face with a toner pad or face wipe, and see what color it is. Warning: You’re not going to like what you see.

Treatments: Benzoyl peroxide works by actually killing the acne bacteria, while exfoliating the pores at the same time. It’s not so gentle and can make skin really dry and irritated if you use too much. Stick to spot-treating with this one.

If you’re frustrated because unlike your friends with perfect complexions you actually do take care of your skin, your acne trigger could be the sneaky ingredients in your products. According to Jeanine Downie, MD, a cosmetic dermatologist in Montclair, New Jersey, mineral oil, for example, is a super-heavy moisturizing agent found in some lotions that’s known to clog your pores and cause you to break out. She also mentions silicones as another ingredient that can plug your pores and result in blemishes. Additionally, fragrance (especially irritating for sensitive skin) and sodium lauryl sulfate (an oil-stripping surfactant) can be found in many products and are also harsh on the skin. What you can do differently: “Read your labels” is easier said than done if you don’t know what to look for, but a good place to start is by getting rid of any products that contain the aforementioned common irritants. Dr. Downie also suggests sticking with products labeled “noncomedogenic,” which means your makeup or skincare has been specifically formulated not to clog your pores. That said, if you’ve tried all the above and your breakouts continue to worsen, make an appointment with your dermatologist to see if you could be allergic to another ingredient in the product.

For our polish readers: Twoje treningi powoduja rozpad ciala. Pominiecie prysznica zaraz po treningu lub nieumyciu twarzy pozwala mieszance makijazu, brudu, bakterii, oleju i potu znalezc ladny maly dom w porach i spowodowac pekanie. Co mozesz zrobic inaczej: zanim zaczniesz sie pocic, umyj twarz, aby usunac makijaz. Po zakonczeniu sesji potu wez prysznic (whoa, rewolucyjny). Jesli nie masz czasu, uzyj sciereczki do twarzy, takiej jak Neutrogena Makeup Remover Cleansing Towelettes, aby usunac zatykajacy pory olej i bakterie na skorze. Czytaj wiecej na